Hi, I’m Bruno and I’m an Cloud Architect & Developer

I’m a Brazilian-Portuguese Senior Software Engineer working in Germany for AKKO.

Been living in lovely Hamburg since 2017, previously worked for great companies such as Bradesco (one of Brazil’s largest banks), Scopus Tecnologia, ZX Ventures / Anheuser Busch Inbev, Wunder Carpool, Liquid Labs and OTTO.

Bruno Bandeira

My career journey so far

For a more in depth view on these experiences, check out my work section.

  1. Anheuser-Busch InBev

    Dec 2015 - Apr 2017

    Senior Engineer / Team Lead

    Anheuser-Busch InBev

    Led a 10-engineer team building a multinational e-commerce platform, significantly improving software deployment processes. Coordinated global teams for product consistency. Key player in developing Behoppy's backend and the company's microservices architecture.

  2. Wunder Mobility

    Apr 2017 - Feb 2018

    Senior Engineer

    Wunder Mobility

    Ensured Wunder's application stability and scalability for market expansion. Managed Ruby platform on AWS with Travis, and spearheaded Elixir refactoring on Google Cloud with Jenkins CI.

  3. OTTO Group

    Feb 2018 - Mar 2019

    Full Stack Engineer / Cloud Architect

    OTTO Group

    Incubated OTTO's IoT Platform, employing DevOps tools like Terraform and Helm for Kubernetes, ensuring reliable deployments. Enhanced CI/CD with Java, Go, and Bash scripting. Optimized infrastructure, cutting costs by 50% and accelerating code deployment.

  4. OTTO GmbH & Co KG

    Mar 2019 - Jan 2023

    Team Lead / Cloud Architect

    OTTO GmbH & Co KG

    OTTO acquired the project, pivoting to an event-driven architecture, enhancing developer productivity and cutting infrastructure costs by 60%. Transitioned to AWS with Python and Serverless Framework.

  5. AKKO

    Jan 2023 - Present

    Principal Cloud Architect


    Led AKKO's migration from Heroku to Google Cloud, focusing on scalable architecture and cloud development. Utilized Terraform for event-driven solutions, overcoming legacy code challenges. Achieved enhanced application reliability, improved problem-solving visibility, and established a strong, continuous learning culture in the engineering team.

  6. I am currently here in my journey

A simple stack that you can always trust

I've been a software engineer for over 13 years, and while my stack has shifted over the years, I kept coming back to the same technologies. The following is the stack that I've developed & honed over the years as a software engineer.



12+ years of experience



6+ years of experience

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

9+ years of experience

Google Cloud

Google Cloud

7+ years of experience



10+ years of experience



9+ years of experience

15+ Clients have loved my work